Living As A Cancer Survivor - Discouraged & Vulnerable

Many survivors deal with chronic pain that creates new feelings of vulnerability. I am starting to worry about what is going to happen to people in my position. This week I have been dealing with excessive swelling from lymphedema. The term is redundant since there is no one without the other.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Turning Pain Into a Positive

Before depression sets in, the first thing you need to understand is that not all of the changes are negative. While the stress, anxiety, and fear are all expected, cancer can also help other areas of your life that the patient/survivor can for an advantage.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Thanksgiving 1990

A portion of today’s blog can be found below

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! - Before I begin, I want to take this time to wish everyone the Happiest Thanksgiving imaginable and that the good Lord bless and keep all of you.

Thanksgiving 1990 was a change for me (not nearly as drastic as the next 28 were), but that year was the first spent without both my mother and father together. Earlier that year (September), they had split, and I was living at home with my father while my mom stayed with my oldest sister and her husband.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - From Tiers to Tears - Part 2

Any relationship which one relies on the other financially can cause resentment. It can also create the one who needs assistance to feel shame. I did. Never again will I put the burden of my health issues on anyone else. I am limited, but not useless. It is essential to me that I be financially independent, even if I die trying.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - From Tiers to Tears - Part 1

I have not been myself these last few months. I've been angry, short with people, overly sarcastic, and redundantly cynical. That is not the person I am. I always had a positive outlook on life. The only time I get to be myself is when I'm on the radio for six hours during the week.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Memes' Well?

Below is a portion of today’s blog

I apologize if I come off as a "Dougie downer." I care about results. Too often, we ignore the suffering of those close to us that need help. It sucks to be a burden. It is humiliating to be so ashamed of one's financial situation that you choose to stay home because you don't want to make others feel guilty. Those people don't need memes; they need help. Giving those people a scripture verse doesn't make you a better Christian. It makes you a phony.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Personal Tragedy

Below is a portion of today’s blog

Death is something none of us can avoid. It can show itself in an obvious way or in a similar way. The hope you get from someone who inspires the best of you because of their love and imagining your life with them can also create part of you to die if that ends. Not being able to pay bills and allowing your mind to destroy any positive thoughts is another example of death you can face. Since many of those situations involve children and those you are responsible for, that also can trigger destructive thoughts that cloud your mind.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Our Pets

Below you will find a brief section of today’s blog

I think therapy animals should be available at every cancer hospital. The love an animal gives you is much different than a human. They understand a side to us that humans never will. They accept us, and their entire day can be made just from our being in their presence.

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